Tō Mātou Wāi



He puna manawa whenua

unbounded have I formed you

from drops of sudden rain that fall from my shoulders

to darkened chambers deep from which I’ll one day send you 

bursting with new life

pristinely made   




The source of Smithwater is a system of Quaternary aquifers formed deep within the lavas and pyroclastics underlying the Rangitaiki Plains in the North Island (Te Ika-a-Māui: the Fish of Māui). This layer of ignimbrite, along with dispersed deposits of pumice, scoria and sand, serves both as a filter and repository for the recharge that falls most heavily on the surrounding forested hills, and some 50 years thereafter comes gushing from a bore over 200 metres deep to be organically bottled at source.



Indicative analysis of Smithwater in mg/L (except pH): Bicarbonate 40; Calcium 3.7; Chloride 6.8; Magnesium 2.1; Potassium 3.7; Silica 71; Sodium 11.8; Sulphate 3.9; TDS 118; pH 7.2 (Still).



Smithwater, high in silica content, is a soft water with a neutral pH and gentle bead that is refreshing to the palate and deliciously smooth to taste – the perfect accompaniment for your dining experience.